Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Everyone is alay

We all are fake. We never look at our own selves before judge to someone. sometimes we never aware whats going on and whats we're doing. its a human error.
Nowadays , many people say someone else alay whereas they're also alay actually including me :D . if alays shout someone else alay so whos the real alay here? absolutely none of us want to be called as alay right?

Alay can be determined by style of writting which likes this " aiii qm capa? and u naq mana? " or maybe can be worse than that. Honestly i ever wrote like that when i was in junior high school but now i change my writting style so that my friends dont mock me or call me as alay. it makes me "jaim" initially but im gettin' comfort with it. So its just a process to reach your maturity.

the point of this is " just be yourself" ! Alay actually is someone who try to be someone else ! So just feel your term now and write some experieces there to be told to your descent in the future.

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